Studio 7 Imaging
Studio 7 Imaging
Welcome to Wallpaper World the best place for Free and Original desktop wallpaper. All the images are either small seamless tiles or large single images sized from 640 x 480 and up so they can be tiled or centered on your desktop. While looking through the images, I hope you find something that captures your imagination.
All the images are shown thumbnail size to reduce downloading time for your convenience.
This Images are:
- Free to use and download
- Sized from small tiles up to 800 x 600
- Original digital art images
- Updated monthly
- Available on a CD for a fee if you would like to purchase a collection.
Illustrate your thoughts and put them on your desktop. An Illustration truly IS worth more than a thousand words. Stroll through our Gallery and find something that truly expresses “you”.
To save the images to your harddrive:
- Click on image to see larger view.
- Right click on the image you wish to save and click on save image as to save to your harddrive.
- In the pop up window select bmp or jpg file type.
- Once you have selected a file type click on the save button.
Usage Policies
The wallpaper images on this site are offered as a free service to individual users only. Studio 7 Imaging retains full copyright to all images. Resale is prohibited without written permission from Studio 7 Imaging .
Images Are
- Free to download
- Free to use on your desktop
- Can be used on work Pc or home Pc
- Any other questions or comments Contact Me
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You can now purchase posters of my Digital Art by visiting Zazzle.com and placing an order. I update the posters weekly, if you see something here that you would like on a poster Contact Me I will post it on my Zazzle for you.
Mouse Pads
You can now purchase mouse pads with my Digital Art on them by visiting CafePress.com and placing an order. I add new images mouse pads monthly, if you see something here that you would like on a mouse pad Contact Me I will post it on Cafe Press for you.
Image CD
Soon you will be able to order a collection of my Digital Art Images on CD to use for desktop wallpaper, print projects, image creation and website designs. Contact Me if you would like to purchase an Image CD before then.